Every playoff season men deal with a roller coaster of emotions from very high highs to very low lows. It’s a rough cycle full of anxiety, and sometimes, tears. It's called Playoff Man Syndrome, or PMS. And luckily for those men, there’s a comfort food that is the perfect treatment. (It’s Doritos…. Doritos is the treatment.)
CW: Aaron Payne, Kelly Combs, Rebecca Deitch
AD/Design: Cora Veltman
THE CYCLE TRACKER - product innovation
Keep track of your fan’s PMS with the Doritos cycle tracker. Based on team performance and your fan’s symptoms, we can recommend the perfect flavor of Doritos. (With a discount code to help ease the pain.) Sign up for push notifications right to your phone so that you can stay ahead of your fan’s pain and chat with our GUYnecologist chatbot 24/7 for support.
PMS comfort plus pack
Doritos’ Comfort Plus™ Care Package includes everything a PMSing fan needs to get through their time of the month: tissues, a stress ball in the opposing team’s colors, a 2-liter bottle of Pepsi, and - of course - Cool Ranch and Nacho Cheese Doritos in light, regular, or super size bags depending on the severity of the flow of tears.
Doritos will install chip dispensers in bathrooms at stadiums to rescue fans who need a moment to sit by themselves and cry into a snack at halftime. Never be caught unprepared when PMS strikes.
Take 30 seconds to watch the finniest Doritos ad to never get airtime. Designed for the Super Bowl on a shoestring budget, at least we hired some professional improv actors.
sympathetic social
Remember, there is always next year
CW: Aaron Payne, Kelly Combs, Rebecca Deitch
AD: Cora Veltman
Crew: Paul Kendall, Thomas Nelson
Cast: Beth - Daniella Pereira, Tom - Mickey O'Sullivan, Sasha - Kelly Combs
Editing: Rebecca Deitch, Kelly Combs, Cora Veltman